The goal of this plug-in is to make it easy for someone to implement
the 404gotten.org page not found solution onto their website to help
impoverished children around the world. Just imagine how you will
feel if even one child is helped because of your efforts.
The HTTP 404 is the error that you see when a link is broken, or you
navigated to web page that just isn’t there. It happens, and it’s one
of the most common error pages you see.
Note: Activating this plug-in will automatically replace your default
Wordpress 404 page. To stop it, simply deactivate.
All of the unsponsored children are served within an iframe pointing to
404gotten.org. 404gotten.org
is provided by Compassion International. Compassion is a leading non-profit
that receives high rankings from leading watch dog organizations like
the Better Business Bureau, Charity Navigator and others.
Learn more about Compassion.
There aren’t really any special instructions for installing this plug-in. Once
installed, be sure to go to the ‘404gotten.org’ settings page if the 404 page isn’t appearing.
This may happen if your webhost serves up their own 404 pages. In addition, please check
compatibility with any plugins that may rewrite your URLs as this plugin may not work, or may
disrupt its function.
ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ
આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.
ફાળો આપનારા“404gotten.org 404 Page” ને તમારી ભાષામાં અનુવાદ કરો.
વિકાસમાં રસ ધરાવો છો?
કોડ બ્રાઉઝ કરો, જોવોઅસ્વીએન રેપોઝિટરીમાંથી,અથવા સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરોડેવલપમેન્ટ દ્વારાઆરઅસઅસ.
Update ‘tested up to version’
Force https://
Fixes display on https://
Checked for any deprecated function calls and updated version number.
Checked for any deprecated function calls and updated version number.
Introduces compatibility with Permalink Finder (Daren Viss)
Fixes issue with responsive version not showing on mobile devices because page that holds iFrame was missing content-width tag.
Fix issue that was preventing page from showing up in some browsers (especially IE 7-9) because content was too short (less than 512 bytes)
Initial Build