Auto SEO


Auto SEO is a simple way to add all your SEO header tags from a single interface. It will generate new meta tags, replacing any old ones your theme may add already, that are fully customized to target the audience you want. Don’t want to override everything? No problem, you choose what to override and on what post types to do it. Take the tedium out of SEO.

Note: because Auto SEO is designed to override existing meta tags when needed it works a bit differently than other SEO plugins and as such may not work on every theme. While it has been tested with a wide variety of different themes naturally it would be impossible to test them all. If your having trouble getting it to active on your site I’m more than willing to help, just let me know what theme your using and I’ll take a look, contact information inside the plugin.


  • Auto SEO settings page.


  1. Upload the auto-seo directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Active the plugin.
  3. Go to the new “Auto SEO” settings page and review/adjust the settings and keywords as desired.

The settings page has notes on their functions and should be self explanatory, but here are the highlights.

  • Active Post Types determines where Auto SEO inserts/replaces meta data.

  • Keyword Sets lets you define sets of keywords to be automagically inserted into the description where you want them, also shows the pool from which meta keywords and chosen.

  • Meta Tag Options let you control what tags are enabled, and set up new title tags, meta descriptions, and the number of keywords as well as override the robots if desired.

એફએક્યુ (FAQ)

Can I translate this plugin into the language of my choice?

Yes. There is a pot file located in the “_l18n” folder in the auto-seo directory. Place your .po and .mo files in that directory names with the appropiate region (i.e. da_DK.po and

I got this great idea, can you implement it?

Probably, let me know and I’ll see if I can work it in there.


2 સમીક્ષાઓ વાંચો

ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ

આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.

ફાળો આપનારા



  • Fixed an issue related to saving settings and the messages display by those actions.
  • Fixed a problem with extra fixes sets appearing to be created while adding custom sets.
  • Updated code to comply with modern WordPress Plugin standards.
  • Updated the donate link to another service.


  • Fixed an escaping issue.


  • Fixed a bug that could cause pages to not load if there was no categories or tags assigned.


  • Added several new built-in keywords sets inlcuding Page Title, Categories, and Author. A complete list is available on the settings page.
  • Page titles should now be cleaned of any dividers that end up dangling at the end.


  • Added [Page Title] to the valid substitutions in the description field.
  • Adjusted how the page title is gathered to avoid double-titling in some use cases.
  • Made some changes to the main file so that it is easier to read and understand the code.


  • Modified the plugin to support PHP versions < 5.4 when using the default PHP settings. Note: This has no been extensively tested and PHP version 5.4 or great is still recommended.


  • Added a translation to Spanish by Andrew Kurtis. Thanks Andrew!


  • Confirmed support for WordPress 4.2
  • Fixed a possible PHP noticed appearing under certian conditions.
  • Added support for localization. Check FAQ for details


  • Confirmed plugin compatibility with WordPress 4.1


  • Fixed a bug that would prevent scripts from loading in my “critique” plugin.
  • Fixed a typo that would cause double backslashes from appearing in the script and style links (although the script and style fiels still loaded properly).
  • Updated the tested on version to 4.0.0 (it has previously been tested although the version did not get updated).


  • Added a button to check if AutoSEO is working.
  • Fixed some really terrible typos in the readme and settings page.


  • Completly rewritten from the ground up, bigger, better, faster, stronger.
  • Now supports completly custom keyword sets.
  • Added the ability to changed what is inserted/overitten and where.


  • Fixed a bug that could under some strange circumstances cause a notice level error to appear on installations with debug turned on.


  • Filled in some additional information in the read me, just to try and avoid any confusion.
  • Changed author information.


  • Fixed a bug that would cause keywords to fail if the page/post had a very large (50,000+) id.
  • Cleaned up the location output so it couldn’t add extraneous line breaks in meta tags.
  • Added site title back to the front of the keywords list.


  • Added an appropriate robots meta tag into plugin (currently same as default wordpress).
  • Fixed a bug in which it would only pull 2 keywords.
  • Fixed a bug in which it wouldent remove old meta tags before adding new ones.


  • Fixed a bug that would cause the plugin to fail when your sites home page was it’s blog.
  • Reversed the order of the change log to newest version is always at the top.


  • Fixed the broken menu icon (thanks wordpress extend rename).
  • Fixed a bug that would cause pages to not load if the AutoSEO settings were missing or blank.


  • Changed Licensing for Worpdres Extend Submission.
  • Removed changelog from main file and placed it into readme.


  • Fixed a bug where a line of code would occasionally show at top of page.


  • Homepage now always uses first item from each list.


  • Gave the back end a custom icon.
  • Changed when the output buffer was cahced for better compatibility to old/bad themes (I’m looking at you fast and quick).
  • Fixed a rare bug where the title would not display – Allegedly


  • Initial Release