A BuddyPress GSoC 2010/2011 project.
Here’s the features list:
- Class Dashboard
- Progress Indicator
- Overall status
- Student evolution (based on received grates)
- Courses / Curriculum
- Lectures
- Handbook/Tree style for content organization
- Bookmarking of lectures
- Bibliography
- Web API’s integration with WorldCat/ISBNdb
- BibTex Import
- Assignments
- Responses
- Quizzes/Tests form builder with automatic grading and response evaluation
- Forum/bbPress integration
- Gradebook
- CSV Import
- Schedules
- Calendar
- Month, Week, Day view
- Integrates with Assignments due date
- iCal export/feed
- Customization using an external CSS
- Notifications/Emails
- Activity Streams
- Localizations
- French by Albert Bruc
- Italian by Luca Camellini
[wpvideo AD4hdKWn]
Plugin page header banner stolen from SMBC#1092
Please follow the standard installation procedure for WordPress plugins.
એફએક્યુ (FAQ)
Before asking questions, please check the BuddyPress Courseware Handbook.
આ પ્લગઇન માટે કોઈ સમીક્ષાઓ નથી.
ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ
આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.
ફાળો આપનારા“BuddyPress Courseware” ને તમારી ભાષામાં અનુવાદ કરો.
વિકાસમાં રસ ધરાવો છો?
કોડ બ્રાઉઝ કરો, જોવોઅસ્વીએન રેપોઝિટરીમાંથી,અથવા સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરોડેવલપમેન્ટ દ્વારાઆરઅસઅસ.
- Fixed form builder select option uniqness.
- Fixed teachers dashboard count.
- Fixed typo not adding teacher role response capabilities.
- Updated jquery.fullcalendar.
- Fixed typo in jquery-ui css dependencies/version.
- Removed obsolete js dependencies. Now provided by WordPress core.
- Fixed jquery selector typo.
- Fix submenu, after removal of BuddyPress page.
- Small fixes after merge. Updated links.
- Fix use of deprecated function “add_contextual_help”
- Fixed a deprecation warning.
- Fix typos in readme.txt
- Finish renaming of the project. Remove scholarpress links, names.
- Fixed plugin directory banner.
- Updated translation for pt_BR (credits to Dianakc).
- Added pt_BR translation, huge thanks to Ruan Barbosa.
- Added banner image.
- Introducing
constant for disabling private uploads. - Fixed a couple of typos.
- Added German localization. Huge thanks to @chaoti
- Fix a typo with inversed check of return in new response screen. Props @mattvogt.
- Add jquery-ui datetimepicker. Fixed the regression.
- Removed pass-by-reference calls. Props @mercime closes #69.
- Fixed the js issue on schedule pages. Closes #71.
- Public comments are now visible in assignment pages.
- Append the private message wit the grade notification.
- Skip notifications when grade is not updated. Closes #72.
- Cleaned-up the schedule forms.
- Updated to latest jquery.formbuilder, minified version.
- Fixed jquery ui sortable regression.
- Celebrating new home: coursewa.re
- WordPress 3.3 BuddyPress 1.5(six-ish) compatibility
- Fixed dashboard date/time issue
- Fixed a some warnings, code cleanups
- Switched to
- Pot file updated, translations welcome
- Group course pre-creation #61.Props @imjjss
- Search now checks through lectures too
- X-mas release! Happy past birthday to the WordPress core guys and galz!
- Another maintenance release
- Fixed
regression. Closes #56. Props @enkerli - New assignment screen now alerts if no lectures are available
- Fixed formbuilder regression. Props @enkerli
- Updated query var for taxonomies
- Make sure some objects are treated right.
- cleanups for every BPSP_C=::is_
- Cleanups in post types and taxonomies
- Fixed another typo
- Fixed some typos, improved formbuilder loading
- Fixed a typo not showing member take quiz button. Closes #55
- Major codebase changes!!!
- Assignments reworked (including quizzes, automatic grading)
- Lectures
- Cleaner UI/UX
- Progress indicator and bookmarking
- 3.2, 1.5 compatibility including distraction free writing mode
- Lots of security improvements
- Bookmarking tool
- Progress indicator tool
- Breadcrumbs
- Proper MS support
- French localisation from Albert Bruc
- Full changelog
- Updated wording, @props mrjarbenne. Closes #27
- Importer should work now with php5.1. Closes #31
- Close image now loads on response screens. Closes #35
- Courseware is now compatible with MS admin menu, @props djpaul. Closes #36
- Fixed the user search according to wp 3.1 changes. Closes #37
- Fixed the issue with aliens can post responses.
- Added options to make responses private. Closes #18.
- Removed
field as required from assignments. Closes #23. - Fixed screen permissions for assignments,courses and schedule.
- Added datatables to schedule delete screen.
- Fixed the Teacher persmission for course editor screen. Closes #26
- Added error handling for assignments, fixed the late profile sync issue that closes #25
- Added datatables for schedule listing.
- Added titles for schedules. Closes #16
- Fixed assignment
typo. - Updated jquery.timepicker to 0.7
- Updated jquery.fullcalendar to 1.4.8
- The “bábú” release.
- Added Italian translation, thanks to Luca Camellini
- Fixed the issue with STYLESHEETPATH | stylesheet_directory
- Updated the contextual help with plugins recommendations and handbook info, thanks to Kyle
- Fixed the extended search functionality to work properly on no queries
- Fixed the MS issue, where do_not_allow was fired by obsolete capability edit_file
- Final stable release for branch 0.1, dedicated to Moni
- Fixed some spelling errors
- Fixed critical query bug in get_objects_in_term() with term_id, props boonebgorges and ebar
- Fixed localization paths
- Fixed courseware dashboard and header permissions issues
- Fixed limited size listing of courses/assignments/schedules
- Fixed the issue where schedule end_date was reset by a js file
- Added pot file
- Celebrating my twenty-three 🙂
- Minor bugfixes, mostly permissions related issues in courses.
- The calendar now shows the assignment due_dates, even if no schedules exist.
- First stable release.