આ પલ્ગઇન 2 વર્ષથી વધુમાં અપડેટ કરવામાં આવ્યો નથી . એ કદાચ જાળવવામાં અથવા સપોર્ટેડ નહી હોય. વર્ડપ્રેસ ના વધુ તાજેતરનાં સંસ્કરણો સાથે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય તો સુસંગતતા મુદ્દાઓ હોઈ શકે છે.



This plugin adds the [img] shortcode which replaces the <img> html tag. It’s also enables adding new media to post/page via the ‘Add media’ button by automatically inserting the formatted shortcode code to the editor.
You can simply add the [img] shortcode with a media ID to display:

[img 123 /]

or a fully formatted [img] shortcode:

[img 123 align="center" size="full" caption="Sample text" title="Sample text" desc="Sample text" alt="Sample text" url="http://example.com/" /]

It’s supports srcset and sizes parameters.

Tips & Tricks

You can use your own html template file for displaying the img tag by using filter:

add_filter( 'Clearcode\IMG_Shortcode\template', function() { return '/themes/clearcode.cc/templates/img.php'; } );


  • CC-IMG-Shortcode Example


From your WordPress Dashboard

  1. Go to ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘CC-IMG-Shortcode’
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugin section on your WordPress Dashboard.

From WordPress.org

  1. Download ‘CC-IMG-Shortcode’.
  2. Upload the ‘CC-IMG-Shortcode’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugin section in your WordPress Dashboard.

Once Activated

  1. Simply add new media to post/page via ‘Add media’ button in your post/page edit page.


The plugin can be activated and used for just about any use case.

  • Activate at the site level to load the plugin on that site only.
  • Activate at the network level for full integration with all sites in your network (this is the most common type of multisite installation).


આ પ્લગઇન માટે કોઈ સમીક્ષાઓ નથી.

ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ

આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.

ફાળો આપનારા



Release date: 16.03.2022

  • Added img() & src() functions.
  • Added [src /] shortcode.
  • Added PHP 8.0 support.


Release date: 16.10.2017

  • First stable version of the plugin.