

This plugin has been closed as of ફેબ્રુવારી 4, 2025 and is not available for download. આ બંધ કામચલાઉ છે, સંપૂર્ણ સમીક્ષા માટે બાકી છે.


મે 22, 2019 2 replies
It’s hard to believe this is not Wordpress core functionality. What a simple plugin that does what it says on the tin. Well done! It’ll be absolutely perfect if we could customize the icons for each custom type too, instead of the bullet point circle. This will make it consistent with the rest of WP setup with custom menus.
એપ્રિલ 20, 2019 1 reply
Works great (as advertised!), and makes life easier for those who must maintain multiple custom post types. Easy method for visually seeing all pending and posted. Great support as well!
જુલાઇ 9, 2018 1 reply
Works as advertised. My favorite part is being able to customize what shows up, including Custom Post Types I create myself.
જૂન 3, 2018 2 replies
This is a simple, effective plugin for showing custom post types (of your choice) on the At a Glance part of your dashboard. You could write some code to do it, but why bother when this already exists? (I am having trouble dismissing that little review nag bar, though…)
21 સમીક્ષાઓ વાંચો

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