To attract people from google, twitter and facebook by adding like button.
This plugin lets you dramatically increase your traffic.
To put it simple, it automatically publishes each new post of your blog to the Facebook newsfeed of your readers and to the feed of readers from similar blogs.
What’s so cool about that? It notifies people around the globe who are interested specifically by the subject of your new blog posts. It does it in a very simple and compelling way, which brings additional traffic to your blog.
- Download the plugin.
- Upload to your blog (/wp-content/plugins/).
- Activate it.
- Click RA-Socialize -> Facebook or RA-Socialize -> Google Plus to costomize the settings.
You’re done!
Uninstalling is as simple as deactivating the plugin.
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please post it in the following link.
આ પ્લગઇન માટે કોઈ સમીક્ષાઓ નથી.
ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ
આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.
ફાળો આપનારા“RA-Socialize Button” ને તમારી ભાષામાં અનુવાદ કરો.
વિકાસમાં રસ ધરાવો છો?
કોડ બ્રાઉઝ કરો, જોવોઅસ્વીએન રેપોઝિટરીમાંથી,અથવા સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરોડેવલપમેન્ટ દ્વારાઆરઅસઅસ.
- Provides a form to customize the like button of GPlus anf facebook
- Added functionality to publish blog post to facebook
- Fixed annoying messages