આ પલ્ગઇન 2 વર્ષથી વધુમાં અપડેટ કરવામાં આવ્યો નથી . એ કદાચ જાળવવામાં અથવા સપોર્ટેડ નહી હોય. વર્ડપ્રેસ ના વધુ તાજેતરનાં સંસ્કરણો સાથે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય તો સુસંગતતા મુદ્દાઓ હોઈ શકે છે.

Replace Content Image Size


For each image uploaded WordPress generates several versions with different sizes. These images will be inserted
in the post content using the visual editor selecting the right format size for the current theme, so that
images can be displayed correctly in the theme layout avoiding the overflow to the sidebars or another elements.

These images are now part of the content, and are harcoded in posts independently to any change in the design
or behavior of the blog.

Therefore, when switching your theme to another theme smaller, or the new theme is very big respect the old
layout, may be these images do not fit perfectly with the new design.

For these cases the purpose of this plugin is the searching in the post content of images with the old image sizes
(that result bad sizes for the current theme) and replace it for the right image format: thumbnail, medium, large,
full or custom format size.

The process is simple and consists of three steps. The first step is a form to introduce the width to find, or the
period between two widths separated by an hyphen (-) with max 100 points of difference. Optionally you can enter
a custom post type, or leave blank for the ‘post’ post type.

In the next step present the coincidence or multiple coincidences for each post, with the old html code in grey color,
and in black the replacement, and also the new image is displayed. For each item there is a checkbox (by default checked)
that you can uncheck if the result is wrong or an exception.

Finally, at the end of the list, a submit button can perform these changes. Before this final step, is advisable to
backup your posts table.


  • The 2/3 step where you can confirm the changes to make in the posts content.


  1. Unzip and upload replace-content-image-size folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to menú Tools > Replace Content Image Size and follow the steps.

એફએક્યુ (FAQ)

Is this plugin safe for the content of my posts?

Each post that needs to be altered goes through a process of reconstruction that fragments in chunks the post content
(it is splitted based in newline character), replaces img elements and attributes width and height, and finally implodes
to join the fragments and update the posts table. It is possible that an strange error may occur, and for this reasons
we recommend to backup your posts table before launch de last step of the replacement process.


નવેમ્બર 14, 2017
Thank you for this!!! After switching themes, all my images displayed a blank ‘custom size,’ showing only the ALT text during the post. Thanks to this plugin, I was able to convert all images with a width of 1024 to ‘full’ and they’re all good now. Thank You!
જાન્યુઆરી 13, 2017
What a simple and effective plugin to get the job done. I was able to replace old Image Sizes to the New Image sizes with one click. And before changing the sizes, it gave me preview for all OLD image html tags and the new tags will be… Thank you so much for the great plugin! Great work Pau Iglesias!
સપ્ટેમ્બર 3, 2016
Tested on wordpress 4.5.3 with over 570 articles and it works great! Enormous time savings!
સપ્ટેમ્બર 3, 2016
I’ve changed the size of the image on my theme quite a few time. A few plugin allow you to resize your image, but you have to edit all your post to replace the image with the new size. I used to do that directly in the SQL database, but this plugin provides a much better and simpler alternative. This only improvement that I could suggest would be to display the image not in their full size which end up larger than my display size. It would be more convenient if the image was scaled down.
9 સમીક્ષાઓ વાંચો

ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ

આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.

ફાળો આપનારા



Release Date: July 15th, 2015

  • Resolving a bug when replacing class attribute value
  • This bug depended on the class attribute relative position
  • The main symptom was lack of closing quotes in class attribute


Release Date: April 17th, 2015

  • Change $wpdb->escape by esc_url function
  • Success test with custom post types
  • Fix bad scope internal function variable mod_sum
  • Fix post_type hidden form var warning and 3th step
  • Tested code for WordPress 4.2 version.


Release Date: March 28th, 2015

  • Tested code for WordPress 4.1.1 version.
  • Some warnings on undefined variables fixed.
  • Defered load plugin textdomain to plugin admin section (improve performance).
  • Added style to submit buttons.
  • Fix PHP strict warnings and set properly scope of class methods.
  • Fix class size-[alias] of html img code.
  • Added clean_post_cache when update post.
  • Change strpos by stripos when needed.


Release Date: May 29th, 2012

  • First and tested released for WordPress 3.3.2