આ પલ્ગઇન 2 વર્ષથી વધુમાં અપડેટ કરવામાં આવ્યો નથી . એ કદાચ જાળવવામાં અથવા સપોર્ટેડ નહી હોય. વર્ડપ્રેસ ના વધુ તાજેતરનાં સંસ્કરણો સાથે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય તો સુસંગતતા મુદ્દાઓ હોઈ શકે છે.

SeraphConsulting monitor


Simple plugin to show wp and installed plugins info by url http://YOUR_WEBSITE/seraph-monitor/v1/info/
Will be useful for external WP dashboards and wp monitoring services.

Plugin will show:
* all installed plugins on your site with short info
* outdated plugins and boolean near plugin that needs update
* wordpress version and boolean if wp needs update
* all installed themes with short info
* outdated themes and boolean near theme that needs update
* php version installed on server
* mysql version installed on server


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/seraph-monitor directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. That’s it! Website info is now accessible from URL http://YOUR_WEBSITE/seraph-monitor/v1/info/

એફએક્યુ (FAQ)

Who need this plugin?

Its for people who have few WP based websites and needs to keep it up to date from one place

How to use it?

Install this plugin and do curl http://YOUR_WEBSITE/seraph-monitor/v1/info/ and you will get JSON response with website info.


આ પ્લગઇન માટે કોઈ સમીક્ષાઓ નથી.

ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ

આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.

ફાળો આપનારા