Spartan Gallery allows you to create gallery very very easily. Spartan Gallery is a responsive and multipurpose portfolio gallery plugin. You can use it for: agency, personal portfolio, architect agency, architecture portfolio, photography studios, creative agency, design studios, painter portfolio, model agency, escort agency, products showcase, artworks, art, artist portfolio, web design works, illustrators, projects, blog, freelance designer etc.
This plugin is truly best for individual who want to deal with numerous of photos. This plugin is also designed with stunning modern style. More over, with plugin option panel. You can change almost everything easily via admin panel. Spartan Gallery is responsive and supports all devices, user-friendly and fine-looking. It is very nice with its clean and professional look.
Now added Redux Framework, added gutenberg block to add gallerys on site, fixed some issuses with plugin
Visit Example Site
See a how Spartan Gallery works
Shortcode Parameters
* page_id
Basic example
[spartan_gallery page_id=""]
આ પ્લગિન 1 બ્લોક આપે છે.
- Spartan Gallery Block
If installing the plugin from wordpress.org:
1 . Upload or Intall the entire /Spartan Gallery directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2 . Upload the entire plugin directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
3 . Activate Spartan Gallery through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
4 . Go to Create New Gallery
5 . Upload Images -> choose layouts options -> select image settings
6 . Copy and Paste shortcode, where would you like see gallery
7 . Profit.
એફએક્યુ (FAQ)
coming soon
આ પ્લગઇન માટે કોઈ સમીક્ષાઓ નથી.
ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ
“Spartan Gallery” ને તમારી ભાષામાં અનુવાદ કરો.
વિકાસમાં રસ ધરાવો છો?
કોડ બ્રાઉઝ કરો, જોવોઅસ્વીએન રેપોઝિટરીમાંથી,અથવા સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરોડેવલપમેન્ટ દ્વારાઆરઅસઅસ.
- Version 1.0.0 – First Stable Release
- Version 1.2.0 – Upate user interface, new core and class system, new proper class system for plugin
- Version 1.3.0 – Now using redux framework, added gutenbergblock, changed UI, proper testing, made sure everylaout is working, fixed UI