પ્લગઇન ટેગ: above-the-fold
ShortPixel Critical CSS
(3 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Critical CSS plugin by ShortPixel to speed up your website. Easy to use, works on any website.
Smart Image Loader
(2 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Smart Image Loader is a fire-and-forget priority and lazy loader for image sources. Can be a huge performance boost especially for one pagers.
Inline JS Block for Gutenberg
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Inline JS block helps in adding above the fold JS or for your Advanced customization needs.
AAC Scoring
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Improves Pagespeed/GTMetrix/SEMrush/Yslow scores for Twenty Fourteen and other themes by reducing round trips, moving core CSS above the fold.
jQuery & Plugins Asynchronous Loader
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin asynchronously loads jQuery and its plugins without "jQuery is undefined" errors.
Inline CSS Block for Gutenberg
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Inline CSS block helps in adding above the fold CSS or for your Advanced customization needs.