પ્લગઇન ટેગ: genesis
Landing Page Settings for Genesis
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Easily show / hide header, footer and other elements on a page, post or any custom post type. Works only with Genesis framework.
Genesis REST API Integration
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Adds content output from the Genesis framework hooks to the response data for posts, pages, and custom post types when using the WP REST API v2.
Featured Portfolio
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Adds portfolio post type and a widget to display portfolio items with thumbnails. Requires Genesis Framework.
WP Genesis Box
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Display the Genesis framework affiliate marketing box on your website using shortcodes or PHP.
Genesis Press Post Type
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)The Genesis Press Post Type plugin creates a "Press" custom post type and a display widget for adding media bookmarks to any child theme wri …
RealtyCandy MailChimp IDX Broker Connector
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Follow up with your IDX Broker leads using MailChimp.
Title Tagline for Genesis
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Add title tagline text below your post title on your Genesis Framework powered WordPress sites.
Binge Reading Archive Page Template
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)A plugin to create an "all posts since this site started by month" page. Built for sites using the Genesis Framework.
Genesis Sermons CPT
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin is a Custom Post Type for a WordPress web site using the Genesis Framework. This CPT is to help churches easily publish Sermon podcasts in …
Genesis Promotion Box
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin allows you to add a promotion box after a single post in Genesis.
Simple Listings for Genesis
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)WordPress plugin that adds a custom post type and taxonomy for real estate listings.
Customize Pro Engine
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Core functionality plugin for the Customize Pro Genesis child theme.