પ્લગઇન ટેગ: news
KK Tip Tricks
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Plugin displays randome messages such as quotations, tips &tricks, mewsflash in any place on a webpage.
News From Surfrider National
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Provides a widget to display news from the Surfrider Foundation National Headquarters
WP Mayor Dashboard Feed
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin adds a widget to your WordPress Dashboard that pulls in the most recent posts from WPMayor.com.
Sx RSS Ticker
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Sx RSS Ticker allows you to place the contents of an RSS feed into your pages or posts.
WorldNews Plugin
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)— WordPress news plugin is the free version of the plugin WP Latest posts which found right here with a lot of information.
Whiteboard Marketing Dashboard Widget
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin installs a dashboard widget that displays recent posts Whiteboard Marketing website JSON feed.
News ticker
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)The plugin allows you to broadcast your news on other sites that will give you additional users and the popularity of the network.
Widget Actualites Relation Client
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Afficher sous la forme d'un widget l'actualité des principaux médias professionnels dans le domaine de la relation client
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Displays news items from selectable Send2Press RSS feeds, inline, as a widget or in a theme. Multiple feeds allowed. Local caching.
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)A Wordpress plugin that displays post titles chronologically, and uses post content as external links. Create a category, add one or more posts to thi …
Kenzap Blog
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)A beautiful and easy customizable set of Gutenberg blocks to list blog posts on your website. Easily adjust the following parameters:
Polizeipresse Plugin
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin loads the latest news from German police stations and displays them in your blog.
Community Submitted News
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin allows you to let people submit stories/posts to your site and lets you control what is displayed
Presseportal Plugin
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin loads the latest news from German Pressportal and displays them in your blog.
Press Release Newsroom
(0 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Displays press releases via rss from PRWIREPRO's network on your pages or sidebar.
Times of india news headlines
(4 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)This plugin provided letest news headlines from times of india. Just paste the shortcode.
Zaki Post Slide Widget
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Widget that allows you to create a simple slider of posts using the jQuery library bxSlider v4. You can choose from categories and custom post-type, s …
BDNEWS Headlines
(1 કુલ રેટિંગ્સ)Display the latest news headlines from bangla.bdnews24.com directly on your WordPress site, keeping your audience updated with real-time news in Benga …