WP Media Pro is the must-have toolkit for all WordPress websites that seriously use media. Currently the plugin offers the following functionality:
- Edit individual image sizes empowering editors can optimizes images shown to viewers at different screen sizes.
- Media folders – Organize your media files into folders in the media library.
- Media tags – Tag your media files.
- Media credits – Ensure your media files are compliant with copyright laws by including credits.
- Single media views – Disable single post type view for media files improving SEO.
- Activate the plugin in WordPress.
- Enjoy!
જાન્યુઆરી 28, 2021
This is a simple but very useful media library plugin to add unlimited folders to put images in it. This should be putted by default in the WordPress core.
I really love it. 🙂
ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ
“WP Media Pro” ને તમારી ભાષામાં અનુવાદ કરો.
વિકાસમાં રસ ધરાવો છો?
કોડ બ્રાઉઝ કરો, જોવોઅસ્વીએન રેપોઝિટરીમાંથી,અથવા સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરોડેવલપમેન્ટ દ્વારાઆરઅસઅસ.
- Fix build files
- Don’t double render folder in attachment sidebar.
- Make sure media tag JS fires correctly
- Fix compatibility with WP 5.6
- Add edit image size functionality
- Bug fixes
- Initial plugin release