આ પલ્ગઇન 2 વર્ષથી વધુમાં અપડેટ કરવામાં આવ્યો નથી . એ કદાચ જાળવવામાં અથવા સપોર્ટેડ નહી હોય. વર્ડપ્રેસ ના વધુ તાજેતરનાં સંસ્કરણો સાથે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય તો સુસંગતતા મુદ્દાઓ હોઈ શકે છે.

WPML Editor Languages


Adds a multiple select box to every non-admin user profile that allows admins to
select which languages that user can see / edit in the wp-admin.

Languages that a user cannot see are hidden. If they try to switch surreptitiously
it will throw an error message.

This plugin REQUIRES WPML and is useless without it.


  • Multiple select element on a non-admin user’s profile, allowing an admin to select the languages that user can use.
  • A user’s language menu only showing English as the admin has disabled the other languages.
  • The message shown to a user when they try to switch to a language they’re not allowed to.


  1. Upload the wpml-editor-languages directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress, (ensure you have WPML installed and activated)
  3. As an admin, go to any non-admin user and you can now select the languages
    they can use.

એફએક્યુ (FAQ)

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the wpml-editor-languages directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress, (ensure you have WPML installed and activated)
  3. As an admin, go to any non-admin user and you can now select the languages
    they can use.


આ પ્લગઇન માટે કોઈ સમીક્ષાઓ નથી.

ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ

આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.

ફાળો આપનારા



  • WordPress 4.8.3 version check


  • Fix languages showing in the language switcher when they shouldn’t


  • WordPress 4.7.1 version check


  • WordPress 4.6 version check


  • WordPress 4.5 version check
  • Fix bug for AJAX requests & logged out users


  • WordPress 4.4.2 version check


  • WPMU compatible
  • Added Language box to the user create page with the default language pre-populated
  • WordPress 4.2.3 version check
  • Fix language domain
  • Covert spaces to tabs


  • First release