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PH Daily Press

PH Daily Press

PH News Bulletin ની ચાઈલ્ડ થીમ છે.

  • આવૃત્તિ 1.0.2
  • Last updated ઓક્ટોબર 26,2024
  • Active installations 80+

PH Daily Press is the perfect theme to create a news website using WordPress. It supports multiple featured areas, ticker and a carousel. It works will most plugins right away, and the pagespeed and core web vital scores are fantastic too. Such features make this a perfect choice for creating a Google News, PBN or any other magazine or blog website. Pixahive.com takes pride in creating free resources for business owners and this is one such free theme with premium features.

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સક્રિય સ્થાપનો: 80+


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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) અને .Українська.

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