આ પલ્ગઇન 2 વર્ષથી વધુમાં અપડેટ કરવામાં આવ્યો નથી . એ કદાચ જાળવવામાં અથવા સપોર્ટેડ નહી હોય. વર્ડપ્રેસ ના વધુ તાજેતરનાં સંસ્કરણો સાથે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાય તો સુસંગતતા મુદ્દાઓ હોઈ શકે છે.

WordPress Cache and CDN plugin – fast, easy to use, instant results


Fast, easy to use cache for WordPress with option for up-to 3 separate CDN’s – for js, css & images from 3 providers.
Added the ability to set and forget Database clean-ups on a scheduled timescale including removing revisions, clean-up transients, remove comment spam. Generally help keep the Database lean and tidy.

Built in support for GridPane based WordPress Installations with more functionality coming soon.

Added Automatic CDN support, Free for now, just enable in settings and your site will be automatically added to the grid.

We have many features planned and have an active development cycle which will be user focused based on feedback.

For extra performance we recommend our Disbaler plugin, which helps reduce HTTP requests and removes unused items from your website.
For image compression and optimization we recommend our Image Compression plugin, now includes a Dedicated Image CDNFast, easy to use cache for WordPress with option for up-to 3 separate CDN’s – for js, css & images from 3 providers.
Added the ability to set and forget Database cleanups on a scheduled timescale including removing revisions, cleanup transients, remove comment spam. Generally help keep the Database lean and tidy.

We have many features planned and have an active development cycle which will be user focused based on feedback.

For extra performance we recommend our Disbaler plugin, which helps reduce HTTP requests and removes unused items from your website.
For image compression and optimization we recommend our Image Compression plugin

WordPress Cache and CDN plugin – fast, easy to use, instant results

Contributors: pigeonhut, Jody Nesbitt, optimisation.io
Tags: Database, DB Cleanup, CDN Rewrite, WordPress Cache, Minify CSS, Minify JS, Easy CDN, leverage browser caching, Optimize DB
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: 1.3.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Fast, easy to use cache for WordPress with option for 3 separate CDN’s. Optimize Database.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->WP Disable screen to configure the pluginThis section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  4. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.

  5. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  6. Use the Settings->WP Disable screen to configure the plugin

એફએક્યુ (FAQ)

What about Minification, do I still need it?

Yes, you absolutely do, and none come close to the awesome Autoptimize by Frank Goossens.

I would like to contribute/I have an idea

Please send us any Feedback if you would like to contribute or have any ideas to add.

Do I need to use a CDN ?

No, you do not need to use one, but if you do, we have made it really simple to add on your CDN of choice. We offer 3 routes for CDN, so you can effectively run 3 CDN’s one for JS, CSS & images.
Bare in mind, if you choose to use a CDN, your files will be uploaded and stored on the CDN of choice, please consult their privacy policies.


જૂન 14, 2022
I’m a fan of the plugin but it’s out of date. Some settings seem inactive even though they are active 🙂
મે 19, 2020
I installed this one Wordpress v5.4.1, entered the CDN URL, hit ‘save’, the page reloaded, and the URL didn’t save. So I did it again, and again, the URL wouldn’t save. So I promptly uninstalled it. Not sure if it’s an issue with 5.4.1 (since the plugin indicates that it hasn’t been tested with this version yet) or what?
જૂન 3, 2018 6 replies
I using the HTTP Requests, Disable Emojis & Disable Embeds, Speedup WooCommerce one of your plugin to speed up the woocommerce website with 7000 products with lots of image,But i don’t use this cache the website load to 3 to sec.i need more speed then i try looking more plugin to combine for best performance i find the last plugin old dated for 2 years buts its match with this cache plugin wew its give me 98 to 85 1.2 to 1.4 seconds speed,if i have to push to 100 to 100 my quick view its not working complicated with javascript to load.if you want to add this old plugin you will beat any cache plugin to speed up the woocommerce website i try worldwide speed test 1.2 to 1.3 ,1.4,1.6 speed worldwide. thanks to pigeonhut, Jody Nesbitt
એપ્રિલ 14, 2018 1 reply
There are many components to the optimization plugin. VERY MISLEADING when one plugin is called one thing from a developer and another part is called something else from a different developer. I’m trying to see what plugins were bogging down my system, it took over 30 minutes to figure out every plugin that was connected to this. If your going to do an optimization plugin — keep the name consistent for the developer. BTW it did nothing for my site other than slow it down worse.
જુલાઇ 19, 2017
Gzip doesnt work on my setup WP 4.8 + Elementor 1.5, CDN doesnt integrated but The result is impressive. how can I move it on cloudeclare? Or should I wait for this unbelievable feature you mentioned, with integrated CDN and simple switch. pozdro
10 સમીક્ષાઓ વાંચો

ફાળો આપનાર & ડેવલપર્સ

આ ઓપન સોર્સ સોફ્ટવેર છે. નીચેના લોકો એ આ પ્લગિન માટે ફાળો આપ્યો છે.

ફાળો આપનારા



  • php 7.4 support Added
  • Few issues fixed with PHP compatiblity
  • minor performance improvements


  • Added on/off togle for Instant page


  • Added support for Instant Page (prefetch page) – Before a user clicks on a link, they hover their mouse over that link.
    When a user has hovered for 65 ms there is one chance out of two that they will click on that link, so instant.page starts preloading at this moment, leaving on average over 300 ms for the page to preload.
    On mobile, a user starts touching their display before releasing it, leaving on average 90 ms to preload the page. (https://github.com/instantpage/instant.page)


  • WP Version 5.0 compatible
  • Removed images from Cache CDN for even better performance, images will be served via a dedicated image CDN.
  • Plugin now serves css/js via our cdn
  • Install our Image Plugin for a dedicated image CDN among other features


  • Fixed issue where existing CDN Zone not being deleted on Disable


  • small bug fixes in cdn
  • when disabling CDN, all content stored will be deleted and zone will be destroyed. If you re-enable, it will create again.


  • Added ability to minify html
  • Fixed bug in path for CDN causing some sites to render without CSS.


  • Added Free CDN for all sites
  • Auto Add your domain to zone on on_activation
  • Auto re-write paths to route css/js/images to cdn
  • Re-write to local on de-activation and delete cdn_zone


  • Added a note on dashbaord about what to look for to disable our plugins. People have started leaving negative feedback cause can’t remember what they installed. Hopefully, this clears it up


  • Fixed cache/cdn rewrite path for Slide Anything Plugin


  • Rebuild of cache libraries for better more reliable caching


  • Added support for Purging Nginx Cache.
  • General bug fixes
  • Added support for GridPane (read more about GridPane)


  • Removed unused references


  • General bug fix and minor improvements


  • Bug fix – stats not displaying
  • Minor improvements


  • Please note, if you use more than one of our Optimisation plugins, they all need to be updated to the latest versions to ensure a seamless working experience
  • More visual cleanups
  • Removed all webfonts
  • Minor bug fix on reporting on dashboard
  • All 3 plugins should now be seamless
  • General cleanup of WP Repo removing old versions inline with WP guidelines


  • General visual improvements
  • Tighter integration into the optimisation.io suite


  • General navigation tidy up
  • General Dashboard tidy up


  • Added ability to cache Gravatars
  • Updated import/export logic to work across the whole optimisation suite
  • General code cleanup
  • Restored “Clear cache” to Admin bar


Sync Settings for Import/Export
Fixed MySQL query in DB Tables prefix
Removed recommended plugins
General Small visual fixes


Removed admin bar navigation
Added Stats dashboard
Tighter integration with WP Disable and Image compression
Removed CDN Nag screen
Small code improvements throughout


Tidied up Navigation
Added Navigation to Admin Bar (new features planned)


Improved Navigation (moved to its own section)
Added Database stats visually under Optimise tab
Added a pre-crawl warm cache crawler
Added option to leverage browser caching
removed old tags to clean up
created changelog.txt to keep readme cleaner


  • Bug fix on DB scheduling
  • Updated Visuals


This WordPress cache plugin is partial based on Cache Enabler which is a fork of Cachify.= 1.3.0 =
* General visual improvements
* Tighter integration into the optimisation.io suite


  • General navigation tidy up
  • General Dashboard tidy up


  • Added ability to cache Gravatars
  • Updated import/export logic to work across the whole optimisation suite
  • General code cleanup
  • Restored “Clear cache” to Admin bar


Sync Settings for Import/Export
Fixed MySQL query in DB Tables prefix
Removed recommended plugins
General Small visual fixes


Removed admin bar navigation
Added Stats dashboard
Tighter integration with WP Disable and Image compression
Removed CDN Nag screen
Small code improvements throughout


Tidied up Navigation
Added Navigation to Admin Bar (new features planned)


Improved Navigation (moved to its own section)
Added Database stats visually under Optimise tab
Added a pre-crawl warm cache crawler
Added option to leverage browser caching
removed old tags to clean up
created changelog.txt to keep readme cleaner


  • Bug fix on DB scheduling
  • Updated Visuals


This WordPress cache plugin is partial based on Cache Enabler which is a fork of Cachify. Nginx purge is forked from Nginx Helper by rtCamp.